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Fixed #16715 -- Fixed join promotion logic for nested nullable FKs

The joins for nested nullable foreign keys were often created as INNER
when they should have been OUTER joins. The reason was that only the
first join in the chain was promoted correctly. There were also issues
with select_related etc.

The basic structure for this problem was:
  A -[nullable]-> B -[nonnull]-> C

And the basic problem was that the A->B join was correctly LOUTER,
the B->C join not.

The major change taken in this patch is that now if we promote a join
A->B, we will automatically promote joins B->X for all X in the query.
Also, we now make sure there aren't ever join chains like:
If the a -> b needs to be LOUTER, then the INNER at the end of the
chain will cancel the LOUTER join and we have a broken query.

Sebastian reported this problem and did also major portions of the
This commit is contained in:
Anssi Kääriäinen 2012-08-21 21:54:14 +03:00
parent d7a2e816a1
commit 01b9c3d519
5 changed files with 243 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -470,9 +470,7 @@ class SQLCompiler(object):
# Must use left outer joins for nullable fields and their relations.
# Ordering or distinct must not affect the returned set, and INNER
# JOINS for nullable fields could do this.
if joins_to_promote:
self.query.alias_map[joins_to_promote[0]].join_type == self.query.LOUTER)
return field, col, alias, joins, opts
def _final_join_removal(self, col, alias):
@ -645,8 +643,6 @@ class SQLCompiler(object):
for (dupe_opts, dupe_col) in dupe_set:
self.query.update_dupe_avoidance(dupe_opts, dupe_col, alias)
if self.query.alias_map[root_alias].join_type == self.query.LOUTER:
self.query.promote_alias_chain(alias_chain, True)
alias = root_alias
@ -663,8 +659,6 @@ class SQLCompiler(object):
columns, aliases = self.get_default_columns(start_alias=alias,
opts=f.rel.to._meta, as_pairs=True)
if self.query.alias_map[alias].join_type == self.query.LOUTER:
self.query.promote_alias_chain(aliases, True)
if restricted:
next = requested.get(f.name, {})
@ -738,7 +732,9 @@ class SQLCompiler(object):
next = requested.get(f.related_query_name(), {})
new_nullable = f.null or None
# Use True here because we are looking at the _reverse_ side of
# the relation, which is always nullable.
new_nullable = True
self.fill_related_selections(model._meta, table, cur_depth+1,
used, next, restricted, new_nullable)

View File

@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ class Query(object):
# Again, some of the tables won't have aliases due to
# the trimming of unnecessary tables.
if self.alias_refcount.get(alias) or rhs.alias_refcount.get(alias):
self.promote_alias(alias, True)
self.promote_joins([alias], True)
# Now relabel a copy of the rhs where-clause and add it to the current
# one.
@ -682,32 +682,38 @@ class Query(object):
""" Decreases the reference count for this alias. """
self.alias_refcount[alias] -= amount
def promote_alias(self, alias, unconditional=False):
def promote_joins(self, aliases, unconditional=False):
Promotes the join type of an alias to an outer join if it's possible
for the join to contain NULL values on the left. If 'unconditional' is
False, the join is only promoted if it is nullable, otherwise it is
always promoted.
Promotes recursively the join type of given aliases and its children to
an outer join. If 'unconditional' is False, the join is only promoted if
it is nullable or the parent join is an outer join.
Returns True if the join was promoted by this call.
Note about join promotion: When promoting any alias, we make sure all
joins which start from that alias are promoted, too. When adding a join
in join(), we make sure any join added to already existing LOUTER join
is generated as LOUTER. This ensures we don't ever have broken join
chains which contain first a LOUTER join, then an INNER JOIN, that is
this kind of join should never be generated: a LOUTER b INNER c. The
reason for avoiding this type of join chain is that the INNER after
the LOUTER will effectively remove any effect the LOUTER had.
if ((unconditional or self.alias_map[alias].nullable) and
self.alias_map[alias].join_type != self.LOUTER):
data = self.alias_map[alias]
data = data._replace(join_type=self.LOUTER)
self.alias_map[alias] = data
return True
return False
def promote_alias_chain(self, chain, must_promote=False):
Walks along a chain of aliases, promoting the first nullable join and
any joins following that. If 'must_promote' is True, all the aliases in
the chain are promoted.
for alias in chain:
if self.promote_alias(alias, must_promote):
must_promote = True
aliases = list(aliases)
while aliases:
alias = aliases.pop(0)
parent_alias = self.alias_map[alias].lhs_alias
parent_louter = (parent_alias
and self.alias_map[parent_alias].join_type == self.LOUTER)
already_louter = self.alias_map[alias].join_type == self.LOUTER
if ((unconditional or self.alias_map[alias].nullable
or parent_louter) and not already_louter):
data = self.alias_map[alias]._replace(join_type=self.LOUTER)
self.alias_map[alias] = data
# Join type of 'alias' changed, so re-examine all aliases that
# refer to this one.
join for join in self.alias_map.keys()
if (self.alias_map[join].lhs_alias == alias
and join not in aliases))
def reset_refcounts(self, to_counts):
@ -726,19 +732,10 @@ class Query(object):
then and which ones haven't been used and promotes all of those
aliases, plus any children of theirs in the alias tree, to outer joins.
# FIXME: There's some (a lot of!) overlap with the similar OR promotion
# in add_filter(). It's not quite identical, but is very similar. So
# pulling out the common bits is something for later.
considered = {}
for alias in self.tables:
if alias not in used_aliases:
if (alias not in initial_refcounts or
if alias in used_aliases and (alias not in initial_refcounts or
self.alias_refcount[alias] == initial_refcounts[alias]):
parent = self.alias_map[alias].lhs_alias
must_promote = considered.get(parent, False)
promoted = self.promote_alias(alias, must_promote)
considered[alias] = must_promote or promoted
def change_aliases(self, change_map):
@ -875,6 +872,9 @@ class Query(object):
LOUTER join type. This is used when joining certain types of querysets
and Q-objects together.
A join is always created as LOUTER if the lhs alias is LOUTER to make
sure we do not generate chains like a LOUTER b INNER c.
If 'nullable' is True, the join can potentially involve NULL values and
is a candidate for promotion (to "left outer") when combining querysets.
@ -900,8 +900,8 @@ class Query(object):
if self.alias_map[alias].lhs_alias != lhs:
if promote:
if promote or (lhs and self.alias_map[lhs].join_type == self.LOUTER):
return alias
# No reuse is possible, so we need a new alias.
@ -1009,8 +1009,7 @@ class Query(object):
# If the aggregate references a model or field that requires a join,
# those joins must be LEFT OUTER - empty join rows must be returned
# in order for zeros to be returned for those aggregates.
for column_alias in join_list:
self.promote_alias(column_alias, unconditional=True)
self.promote_joins(join_list, True)
col = (join_list[-1], col)
@ -1129,7 +1128,7 @@ class Query(object):
# If the comparison is against NULL, we may need to use some left
# outer joins when creating the join chain. This is only done when
# needed, as it's less efficient at the database level.
join_promote = True
# Process the join list to see if we can remove any inner joins from
@ -1160,16 +1159,16 @@ class Query(object):
# This means that we are dealing with two different query
# subtrees, so we don't need to do any join promotion.
join_promote = join_promote or self.promote_alias(join, unconditional)
join_promote = join_promote or self.promote_joins([join], unconditional)
if table != join:
table_promote = self.promote_alias(table)
table_promote = self.promote_joins([table])
# We only get here if we have found a table that exists
# in the join list, but isn't on the original tables list.
# This means we've reached the point where we only have
# new tables, so we can break out of this promotion loop.
self.promote_alias_chain(join_it, join_promote)
self.promote_alias_chain(table_it, table_promote or join_promote)
self.promote_joins(join_it, join_promote)
self.promote_joins(table_it, table_promote or join_promote)
if having_clause or force_having:
if (alias, col) not in self.group_by:
@ -1181,7 +1180,7 @@ class Query(object):
if negate:
if lookup_type != 'isnull':
if len(join_list) > 1:
for alias in join_list:
@ -1655,7 +1654,7 @@ class Query(object):
final_alias = join.lhs_alias
col = join.lhs_join_col
joins = joins[:-1]
self.select.append((final_alias, col))
except MultiJoin:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
from django.db import models
class Person(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
class Movie(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
director = models.ForeignKey(Person)
class Event(models.Model):
class Screening(Event):
movie = models.ForeignKey(Movie)
class ScreeningNullFK(Event):
movie = models.ForeignKey(Movie, null=True)
class Package(models.Model):
screening = models.ForeignKey(Screening, null=True)
class PackageNullFK(models.Model):
screening = models.ForeignKey(ScreeningNullFK, null=True)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from django.test import TestCase
from .models import Person, Movie, Event, Screening, ScreeningNullFK, Package, PackageNullFK
# These are tests for #16715. The basic scheme is always the same: 3 models with
# 2 relations. The first relation may be null, while the second is non-nullable.
# In some cases, Django would pick the wrong join type for the second relation,
# resulting in missing objects in the queryset.
# Model A
# | (Relation A/B : nullable)
# Model B
# | (Relation B/C : non-nullable)
# Model C
# Because of the possibility of NULL rows resulting from the LEFT OUTER JOIN
# between Model A and Model B (i.e. instances of A without reference to B),
# the second join must also be LEFT OUTER JOIN, so that we do not ignore
# instances of A that do not reference B.
# Relation A/B can either be an explicit foreign key or an implicit reverse
# relation such as introduced by one-to-one relations (through multi-table
# inheritance).
class NestedForeignKeysTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.director = Person.objects.create(name='Terry Gilliam / Terry Jones')
self.movie = Movie.objects.create(title='Monty Python and the Holy Grail', director=self.director)
# This test failed in #16715 because in some cases INNER JOIN was selected
# for the second foreign key relation instead of LEFT OUTER JOIN.
def testInheritance(self):
some_event = Event.objects.create()
screening = Screening.objects.create(movie=self.movie)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.all()), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.select_related('screening')), 2)
# This failed.
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.select_related('screening__movie')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values()), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screening__pk')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screening__movie__pk')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screening__movie__title')), 2)
# This failed.
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screening__movie__pk', 'screening__movie__title')), 2)
# Simple filter/exclude queries for good measure.
self.assertEqual(Event.objects.filter(screening__movie=self.movie).count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(Event.objects.exclude(screening__movie=self.movie).count(), 1)
# These all work because the second foreign key in the chain has null=True.
def testInheritanceNullFK(self):
some_event = Event.objects.create()
screening = ScreeningNullFK.objects.create(movie=None)
screening_with_movie = ScreeningNullFK.objects.create(movie=self.movie)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.all()), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.select_related('screeningnullfk')), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.select_related('screeningnullfk__movie')), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values()), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screeningnullfk__pk')), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screeningnullfk__movie__pk')), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screeningnullfk__movie__title')), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screeningnullfk__movie__pk', 'screeningnullfk__movie__title')), 3)
self.assertEqual(Event.objects.filter(screeningnullfk__movie=self.movie).count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(Event.objects.exclude(screeningnullfk__movie=self.movie).count(), 2)
# This test failed in #16715 because in some cases INNER JOIN was selected
# for the second foreign key relation instead of LEFT OUTER JOIN.
def testExplicitForeignKey(self):
package = Package.objects.create()
screening = Screening.objects.create(movie=self.movie)
package_with_screening = Package.objects.create(screening=screening)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.all()), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.select_related('screening')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.select_related('screening__movie')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.values()), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.values('screening__pk')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.values('screening__movie__pk')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.values('screening__movie__title')), 2)
# This failed.
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.values('screening__movie__pk', 'screening__movie__title')), 2)
self.assertEqual(Package.objects.filter(screening__movie=self.movie).count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(Package.objects.exclude(screening__movie=self.movie).count(), 1)
# These all work because the second foreign key in the chain has null=True.
def testExplicitForeignKeyNullFK(self):
package = PackageNullFK.objects.create()
screening = ScreeningNullFK.objects.create(movie=None)
screening_with_movie = ScreeningNullFK.objects.create(movie=self.movie)
package_with_screening = PackageNullFK.objects.create(screening=screening)
package_with_screening_with_movie = PackageNullFK.objects.create(screening=screening_with_movie)
self.assertEqual(len(PackageNullFK.objects.all()), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(PackageNullFK.objects.select_related('screening')), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(PackageNullFK.objects.select_related('screening__movie')), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(PackageNullFK.objects.values()), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(PackageNullFK.objects.values('screening__pk')), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(PackageNullFK.objects.values('screening__movie__pk')), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(PackageNullFK.objects.values('screening__movie__title')), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(PackageNullFK.objects.values('screening__movie__pk', 'screening__movie__title')), 3)
self.assertEqual(PackageNullFK.objects.filter(screening__movie=self.movie).count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(PackageNullFK.objects.exclude(screening__movie=self.movie).count(), 2)
# Some additional tests for #16715. The only difference is the depth of the
# nesting as we now use 4 models instead of 3 (and thus 3 relations). This
# checks if promotion of join types works for deeper nesting too.
class DeeplyNestedForeignKeysTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.director = Person.objects.create(name='Terry Gilliam / Terry Jones')
self.movie = Movie.objects.create(title='Monty Python and the Holy Grail', director=self.director)
def testInheritance(self):
some_event = Event.objects.create()
screening = Screening.objects.create(movie=self.movie)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.all()), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.select_related('screening__movie__director')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values()), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screening__movie__director__pk')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screening__movie__director__name')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screening__movie__director__pk', 'screening__movie__director__name')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screening__movie__pk', 'screening__movie__director__pk')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screening__movie__pk', 'screening__movie__director__name')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screening__movie__title', 'screening__movie__director__pk')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Event.objects.values('screening__movie__title', 'screening__movie__director__name')), 2)
self.assertEqual(Event.objects.filter(screening__movie__director=self.director).count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(Event.objects.exclude(screening__movie__director=self.director).count(), 1)
def testExplicitForeignKey(self):
package = Package.objects.create()
screening = Screening.objects.create(movie=self.movie)
package_with_screening = Package.objects.create(screening=screening)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.all()), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.select_related('screening__movie__director')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.values()), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.values('screening__movie__director__pk')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.values('screening__movie__director__name')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.values('screening__movie__director__pk', 'screening__movie__director__name')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.values('screening__movie__pk', 'screening__movie__director__pk')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.values('screening__movie__pk', 'screening__movie__director__name')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.values('screening__movie__title', 'screening__movie__director__pk')), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(Package.objects.values('screening__movie__title', 'screening__movie__director__name')), 2)
self.assertEqual(Package.objects.filter(screening__movie__director=self.director).count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(Package.objects.exclude(screening__movie__director=self.director).count(), 1)