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import datetime
import os
from decimal import Decimal
from unittest import mock, skipUnless
from django import forms
from django.core.exceptions import (
NON_FIELD_ERRORS, FieldError, ImproperlyConfigured, ValidationError,
from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile
from django.db import connection, models
from django.db.models.query import EmptyQuerySet
from django.forms.models import (
2018-02-24 19:38:23 -08:00
ModelFormMetaclass, construct_instance, fields_for_model, model_to_dict,
from django.template import Context, Template
from django.test import SimpleTestCase, TestCase, skipUnlessDBFeature
from .models import (
Article, ArticleStatus, Author, Author1, Award, BetterWriter, BigInt, Book,
Category, Character, Colour, ColourfulItem, CustomErrorMessage, CustomFF,
CustomFieldForExclusionModel, DateTimePost, DerivedBook, DerivedPost,
Document, ExplicitPK, FilePathModel, FlexibleDatePost, Homepage,
ImprovedArticle, ImprovedArticleWithParentLink, Inventory,
NullableUniqueCharFieldModel, Person, Photo, Post, Price, Product,
Publication, PublicationDefaults, StrictAssignmentAll,
StrictAssignmentFieldSpecific, Student, StumpJoke, TextFile, Triple,
Writer, WriterProfile, test_images,
if test_images:
from .models import ImageFile, OptionalImageFile, NoExtensionImageFile
class ImageFileForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = ImageFile
fields = '__all__'
class OptionalImageFileForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = OptionalImageFile
fields = '__all__'
class NoExtensionImageFileForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = NoExtensionImageFile
fields = '__all__'
class ProductForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Product
fields = '__all__'
class PriceForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Price
fields = '__all__'
class BookForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Book
fields = '__all__'
class DerivedBookForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = DerivedBook
fields = '__all__'
class ExplicitPKForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = ExplicitPK
fields = ('key', 'desc',)
class PostForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Post
fields = '__all__'
class DerivedPostForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = DerivedPost
fields = '__all__'
class CustomWriterForm(forms.ModelForm):
name = forms.CharField(required=False)
class Meta:
model = Writer
fields = '__all__'
class BaseCategoryForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Category
fields = '__all__'
class ArticleForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Article
fields = '__all__'
class RoykoForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Writer
fields = '__all__'
class ArticleStatusForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = ArticleStatus
fields = '__all__'
class InventoryForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Inventory
fields = '__all__'
class SelectInventoryForm(forms.Form):
items = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(Inventory.objects.all(), to_field_name='barcode')
class CustomFieldForExclusionForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = CustomFieldForExclusionModel
fields = ['name', 'markup']
class TextFileForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = TextFile
fields = '__all__'
class BigIntForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = BigInt
fields = '__all__'
class ModelFormWithMedia(forms.ModelForm):
class Media:
js = ('/some/form/javascript',)
css = {
'all': ('/some/form/css',)
class Meta:
model = TextFile
fields = '__all__'
class CustomErrorMessageForm(forms.ModelForm):
name1 = forms.CharField(error_messages={'invalid': 'Form custom error message.'})
class Meta:
fields = '__all__'
model = CustomErrorMessage
class ModelFormBaseTest(TestCase):
def test_base_form(self):
self.assertEqual(list(BaseCategoryForm.base_fields), ['name', 'slug', 'url'])
def test_no_model_class(self):
class NoModelModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, 'ModelForm has no model class specified.'):
def test_empty_fields_to_fields_for_model(self):
An argument of fields=() to fields_for_model should return an empty dictionary
field_dict = fields_for_model(Person, fields=())
self.assertEqual(len(field_dict), 0)
def test_empty_fields_on_modelform(self):
No fields on a ModelForm should actually result in no fields.
class EmptyPersonForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Person
fields = ()
form = EmptyPersonForm()
self.assertEqual(len(form.fields), 0)
def test_empty_fields_to_construct_instance(self):
No fields should be set on a model instance if construct_instance receives fields=().
form = modelform_factory(Person, fields="__all__")({'name': 'John Doe'})
instance = construct_instance(form, Person(), fields=())
self.assertEqual(instance.name, '')
def test_blank_with_null_foreign_key_field(self):
#13776 -- ModelForm's with models having a FK set to null=False and
required=False should be valid.
class FormForTestingIsValid(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Student
fields = '__all__'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['character'].required = False
char = Character.objects.create(username='user', last_action=datetime.datetime.today())
data = {'study': 'Engineering'}
data2 = {'study': 'Engineering', 'character': char.pk}
# form is valid because required=False for field 'character'
f1 = FormForTestingIsValid(data)
f2 = FormForTestingIsValid(data2)
obj = f2.save()
self.assertEqual(obj.character, char)
def test_blank_false_with_null_true_foreign_key_field(self):
A ModelForm with a model having ForeignKey(blank=False, null=True)
and the form field set to required=False should allow the field to be
class AwardForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Award
fields = '__all__'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['character'].required = False
character = Character.objects.create(username='user', last_action=datetime.datetime.today())
award = Award.objects.create(name='Best sprinter', character=character)
data = {'name': 'Best tester', 'character': ''} # remove character
form = AwardForm(data=data, instance=award)
award = form.save()
def test_blank_foreign_key_with_radio(self):
class BookForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Book
fields = ['author']
widgets = {'author': forms.RadioSelect()}
writer = Writer.objects.create(name='Joe Doe')
form = BookForm()
self.assertEqual(list(form.fields['author'].choices), [
('', '---------'),
(writer.pk, 'Joe Doe'),
def test_non_blank_foreign_key_with_radio(self):
class AwardForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Award
fields = ['character']
widgets = {'character': forms.RadioSelect()}
character = Character.objects.create(
form = AwardForm()
[(character.pk, 'user')],
def test_save_blank_false_with_required_false(self):
A ModelForm with a model with a field set to blank=False and the form
field set to required=False should allow the field to be unset.
obj = Writer.objects.create(name='test')
form = CustomWriterForm(data={'name': ''}, instance=obj)
obj = form.save()
self.assertEqual(obj.name, '')
def test_save_blank_null_unique_charfield_saves_null(self):
form_class = modelform_factory(model=NullableUniqueCharFieldModel, fields=['codename'])
empty_value = '' if connection.features.interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls else None
form = form_class(data={'codename': ''})
self.assertEqual(form.instance.codename, empty_value)
# Save a second form to verify there isn't a unique constraint violation.
form = form_class(data={'codename': ''})
self.assertEqual(form.instance.codename, empty_value)
def test_missing_fields_attribute(self):
message = (
"Creating a ModelForm without either the 'fields' attribute "
"or the 'exclude' attribute is prohibited; form "
"MissingFieldsForm needs updating."
with self.assertRaisesMessage(ImproperlyConfigured, message):
class MissingFieldsForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Category
def test_extra_fields(self):
class ExtraFields(BaseCategoryForm):
some_extra_field = forms.BooleanField()
['name', 'slug', 'url', 'some_extra_field'])
def test_extra_field_model_form(self):
with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, 'no-field'):
class ExtraPersonForm(forms.ModelForm):
""" ModelForm with an extra field """
age = forms.IntegerField()
class Meta:
model = Person
fields = ('name', 'no-field')
def test_extra_declared_field_model_form(self):
class ExtraPersonForm(forms.ModelForm):
""" ModelForm with an extra field """
age = forms.IntegerField()
class Meta:
model = Person
fields = ('name', 'age')
def test_extra_field_modelform_factory(self):
with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, 'Unknown field(s) (no-field) specified for Person'):
modelform_factory(Person, fields=['no-field', 'name'])
def test_replace_field(self):
class ReplaceField(forms.ModelForm):
url = forms.BooleanField()
class Meta:
model = Category
fields = '__all__'
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
self.assertIsInstance(ReplaceField.base_fields['url'], forms.fields.BooleanField)
def test_replace_field_variant_2(self):
# Should have the same result as before,
# but 'fields' attribute specified differently
class ReplaceField(forms.ModelForm):
url = forms.BooleanField()
class Meta:
model = Category
fields = ['url']
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
self.assertIsInstance(ReplaceField.base_fields['url'], forms.fields.BooleanField)
def test_replace_field_variant_3(self):
# Should have the same result as before,
# but 'fields' attribute specified differently
class ReplaceField(forms.ModelForm):
url = forms.BooleanField()
class Meta:
model = Category
2013-11-03 01:02:56 +04:00
fields = [] # url will still appear, since it is explicit above
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
self.assertIsInstance(ReplaceField.base_fields['url'], forms.fields.BooleanField)
def test_override_field(self):
class WriterForm(forms.ModelForm):
book = forms.CharField(required=False)
class Meta:
model = Writer
fields = '__all__'
wf = WriterForm({'name': 'Richard Lockridge'})
def test_limit_nonexistent_field(self):
expected_msg = 'Unknown field(s) (nonexistent) specified for Category'
with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, expected_msg):
class InvalidCategoryForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Category
fields = ['nonexistent']
def test_limit_fields_with_string(self):
expected_msg = "CategoryForm.Meta.fields cannot be a string. Did you mean to type: ('url',)?"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TypeError, expected_msg):
class CategoryForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Category
2013-11-03 01:02:56 +04:00
fields = ('url') # note the missing comma
def test_exclude_fields(self):
class ExcludeFields(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Category
exclude = ['url']
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
self.assertEqual(list(ExcludeFields.base_fields), ['name', 'slug'])
def test_exclude_nonexistent_field(self):
class ExcludeFields(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Category
exclude = ['nonexistent']
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
self.assertEqual(list(ExcludeFields.base_fields), ['name', 'slug', 'url'])
def test_exclude_fields_with_string(self):
expected_msg = "CategoryForm.Meta.exclude cannot be a string. Did you mean to type: ('url',)?"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TypeError, expected_msg):
class CategoryForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Category
2013-11-03 01:02:56 +04:00
exclude = ('url') # note the missing comma
def test_exclude_and_validation(self):
# This Price instance generated by this form is not valid because the quantity
# field is required, but the form is valid because the field is excluded from
# the form. This is for backwards compatibility.
class PriceFormWithoutQuantity(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Price
exclude = ('quantity',)
form = PriceFormWithoutQuantity({'price': '6.00'})
price = form.save(commit=False)
msg = "{'quantity': ['This field cannot be null.']}"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, msg):
# The form should not validate fields that it doesn't contain even if they are
# specified using 'fields', not 'exclude'.
class PriceFormWithoutQuantity(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Price
fields = ('price',)
form = PriceFormWithoutQuantity({'price': '6.00'})
# The form should still have an instance of a model that is not complete and
# not saved into a DB yet.
self.assertEqual(form.instance.price, Decimal('6.00'))
def test_confused_form(self):
class ConfusedForm(forms.ModelForm):
""" Using 'fields' *and* 'exclude'. Not sure why you'd want to do
this, but uh, "be liberal in what you accept" and all.
class Meta:
model = Category
fields = ['name', 'url']
exclude = ['url']
def test_mixmodel_form(self):
class MixModelForm(BaseCategoryForm):
""" Don't allow more than one 'model' definition in the
inheritance hierarchy. Technically, it would generate a valid
form, but the fact that the resulting save method won't deal with
multiple objects is likely to trip up people not familiar with the
class Meta:
model = Article
fields = '__all__'
# MixModelForm is now an Article-related thing, because MixModelForm.Meta
# overrides BaseCategoryForm.Meta.
['headline', 'slug', 'pub_date', 'writer', 'article', 'categories', 'status']
def test_article_form(self):
['headline', 'slug', 'pub_date', 'writer', 'article', 'categories', 'status']
def test_bad_form(self):
2013-11-03 01:02:56 +04:00
# First class with a Meta class wins...
class BadForm(ArticleForm, BaseCategoryForm):
['headline', 'slug', 'pub_date', 'writer', 'article', 'categories', 'status']
def test_invalid_meta_model(self):
class InvalidModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
pass # no model
# Can't create new form
msg = 'ModelForm has no model class specified.'
with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, msg):
# Even if you provide a model instance
with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, msg):
def test_subcategory_form(self):
class SubCategoryForm(BaseCategoryForm):
""" Subclassing without specifying a Meta on the class will use
the parent's Meta (or the first parent in the MRO if there are
multiple parent classes).
self.assertEqual(list(SubCategoryForm.base_fields), ['name', 'slug', 'url'])
def test_subclassmeta_form(self):
class SomeCategoryForm(forms.ModelForm):
checkbox = forms.BooleanField()
class Meta:
model = Category
fields = '__all__'
class SubclassMeta(SomeCategoryForm):
""" We can also subclass the Meta inner class to change the fields
class Meta(SomeCategoryForm.Meta):
exclude = ['url']
"""<tr><th><label for="id_name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_name" type="text" name="name" maxlength="20" required></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_slug">Slug:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_slug" type="text" name="slug" maxlength="20" required></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_checkbox">Checkbox:</label></th>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" id="id_checkbox" required></td></tr>"""
def test_orderfields_form(self):
class OrderFields(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Category
fields = ['url', 'name']
['url', 'name'])
"""<tr><th><label for="id_url">The URL:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_url" type="text" name="url" maxlength="40" required></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_name" type="text" name="name" maxlength="20" required></td></tr>"""
def test_orderfields2_form(self):
class OrderFields2(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Category
fields = ['slug', 'url', 'name']
exclude = ['url']
self.assertEqual(list(OrderFields2.base_fields), ['slug', 'name'])
def test_default_populated_on_optional_field(self):
class PubForm(forms.ModelForm):
mode = forms.CharField(max_length=255, required=False)
class Meta:
model = PublicationDefaults
fields = ('mode',)
# Empty data uses the model field default.
mf1 = PubForm({})
self.assertEqual(mf1.errors, {})
m1 = mf1.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(m1.mode, 'di')
self.assertEqual(m1._meta.get_field('mode').get_default(), 'di')
# Blank data doesn't use the model field default.
mf2 = PubForm({'mode': ''})
self.assertEqual(mf2.errors, {})
m2 = mf2.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(m2.mode, '')
def test_default_not_populated_on_non_empty_value_in_cleaned_data(self):
class PubForm(forms.ModelForm):
mode = forms.CharField(max_length=255, required=False)
mocked_mode = None
def clean(self):
self.cleaned_data['mode'] = self.mocked_mode
return self.cleaned_data
class Meta:
model = PublicationDefaults
fields = ('mode',)
pub_form = PubForm({})
pub_form.mocked_mode = 'de'
pub = pub_form.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(pub.mode, 'de')
# Default should be populated on an empty value in cleaned_data.
default_mode = 'di'
for empty_value in pub_form.fields['mode'].empty_values:
with self.subTest(empty_value=empty_value):
pub_form = PubForm({})
pub_form.mocked_mode = empty_value
pub = pub_form.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(pub.mode, default_mode)
def test_default_not_populated_on_optional_checkbox_input(self):
class PubForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = PublicationDefaults
fields = ('active',)
# Empty data doesn't use the model default because CheckboxInput
# doesn't have a value in HTML form submission.
mf1 = PubForm({})
self.assertEqual(mf1.errors, {})
m1 = mf1.save(commit=False)
self.assertIs(m1.active, False)
self.assertIsInstance(mf1.fields['active'].widget, forms.CheckboxInput)
self.assertIs(m1._meta.get_field('active').get_default(), True)
def test_default_not_populated_on_checkboxselectmultiple(self):
class PubForm(forms.ModelForm):
mode = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple)
class Meta:
model = PublicationDefaults
fields = ('mode',)
# Empty data doesn't use the model default because an unchecked
# CheckboxSelectMultiple doesn't have a value in HTML form submission.
mf1 = PubForm({})
self.assertEqual(mf1.errors, {})
m1 = mf1.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(m1.mode, '')
self.assertEqual(m1._meta.get_field('mode').get_default(), 'di')
def test_default_not_populated_on_selectmultiple(self):
class PubForm(forms.ModelForm):
mode = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.SelectMultiple)
class Meta:
model = PublicationDefaults
fields = ('mode',)
# Empty data doesn't use the model default because an unselected
# SelectMultiple doesn't have a value in HTML form submission.
mf1 = PubForm({})
self.assertEqual(mf1.errors, {})
m1 = mf1.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(m1.mode, '')
self.assertEqual(m1._meta.get_field('mode').get_default(), 'di')
def test_prefixed_form_with_default_field(self):
class PubForm(forms.ModelForm):
prefix = 'form-prefix'
class Meta:
model = PublicationDefaults
fields = ('mode',)
mode = 'de'
self.assertNotEqual(mode, PublicationDefaults._meta.get_field('mode').get_default())
mf1 = PubForm({'form-prefix-mode': mode})
self.assertEqual(mf1.errors, {})
m1 = mf1.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(m1.mode, mode)
def test_renderer_kwarg(self):
custom = object()
self.assertIs(ProductForm(renderer=custom).renderer, custom)
def test_default_splitdatetime_field(self):
class PubForm(forms.ModelForm):
datetime_published = forms.SplitDateTimeField(required=False)
class Meta:
model = PublicationDefaults
fields = ('datetime_published',)
mf1 = PubForm({})
self.assertEqual(mf1.errors, {})
m1 = mf1.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(m1.datetime_published, datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1))
mf2 = PubForm({'datetime_published_0': '2010-01-01', 'datetime_published_1': '0:00:00'})
self.assertEqual(mf2.errors, {})
m2 = mf2.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(m2.datetime_published, datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1))
def test_default_filefield(self):
class PubForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = PublicationDefaults
fields = ('file',)
mf1 = PubForm({})
self.assertEqual(mf1.errors, {})
m1 = mf1.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(m1.file.name, 'default.txt')
mf2 = PubForm({}, {'file': SimpleUploadedFile('name', b'foo')})
self.assertEqual(mf2.errors, {})
m2 = mf2.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(m2.file.name, 'name')
def test_default_selectdatewidget(self):
class PubForm(forms.ModelForm):
date_published = forms.DateField(required=False, widget=forms.SelectDateWidget)
class Meta:
model = PublicationDefaults
fields = ('date_published',)
mf1 = PubForm({})
self.assertEqual(mf1.errors, {})
m1 = mf1.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(m1.date_published, datetime.date.today())
mf2 = PubForm({'date_published_year': '2010', 'date_published_month': '1', 'date_published_day': '1'})
self.assertEqual(mf2.errors, {})
m2 = mf2.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(m2.date_published, datetime.date(2010, 1, 1))
class FieldOverridesByFormMetaForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Category
fields = ['name', 'url', 'slug']
widgets = {
'name': forms.Textarea,
'url': forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'url'})
labels = {
'name': 'Title',
help_texts = {
'slug': 'Watch out! Letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens only.',
error_messages = {
'slug': {
'invalid': (
"Didn't you read the help text? "
"We said letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens only!"
field_classes = {
'url': forms.URLField,
class TestFieldOverridesByFormMeta(SimpleTestCase):
def test_widget_overrides(self):
form = FieldOverridesByFormMetaForm()
'<textarea id="id_name" rows="10" cols="40" name="name" maxlength="20" required></textarea>',
'<input id="id_url" type="text" class="url" name="url" maxlength="40" required>',
'<input id="id_slug" type="text" name="slug" maxlength="20" required>',
def test_label_overrides(self):
form = FieldOverridesByFormMetaForm()
'<label for="id_name">Title:</label>',
'<label for="id_url">The URL:</label>',
'<label for="id_slug">Slug:</label>',
def test_help_text_overrides(self):
form = FieldOverridesByFormMetaForm()
'Watch out! Letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens only.',
def test_error_messages_overrides(self):
form = FieldOverridesByFormMetaForm(data={
'name': 'Category',
'url': 'http://www.example.com/category/',
'slug': '!%#*@',
error = [
"Didn't you read the help text? "
"We said letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens only!",
self.assertEqual(form.errors, {'slug': error})
def test_field_type_overrides(self):
form = FieldOverridesByFormMetaForm()
self.assertIs(Category._meta.get_field('url').__class__, models.CharField)
self.assertIsInstance(form.fields['url'], forms.URLField)
class IncompleteCategoryFormWithFields(forms.ModelForm):
A form that replaces the model's url field with a custom one. This should
prevent the model field's validation from being called.
url = forms.CharField(required=False)
class Meta:
fields = ('name', 'slug')
model = Category
class IncompleteCategoryFormWithExclude(forms.ModelForm):
A form that replaces the model's url field with a custom one. This should
prevent the model field's validation from being called.
url = forms.CharField(required=False)
class Meta:
exclude = ['url']
model = Category
class ValidationTest(SimpleTestCase):
def test_validates_with_replaced_field_not_specified(self):
form = IncompleteCategoryFormWithFields(data={'name': 'some name', 'slug': 'some-slug'})
self.assertIs(form.is_valid(), True)
def test_validates_with_replaced_field_excluded(self):
form = IncompleteCategoryFormWithExclude(data={'name': 'some name', 'slug': 'some-slug'})
self.assertIs(form.is_valid(), True)
def test_notrequired_overrides_notblank(self):
form = CustomWriterForm({})
self.assertIs(form.is_valid(), True)
class UniqueTest(TestCase):
unique/unique_together validation.
def setUpTestData(cls):
cls.writer = Writer.objects.create(name='Mike Royko')
def test_simple_unique(self):
form = ProductForm({'slug': 'teddy-bear-blue'})
obj = form.save()
form = ProductForm({'slug': 'teddy-bear-blue'})
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['slug'], ['Product with this Slug already exists.'])
form = ProductForm({'slug': 'teddy-bear-blue'}, instance=obj)
def test_unique_together(self):
"""ModelForm test of unique_together constraint"""
form = PriceForm({'price': '6.00', 'quantity': '1'})
form = PriceForm({'price': '6.00', 'quantity': '1'})
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['__all__'], ['Price with this Price and Quantity already exists.'])
def test_unique_together_exclusion(self):
Forms don't validate unique_together constraints when only part of the
constraint is included in the form's fields. This allows using
form.save(commit=False) and then assigning the missing field(s) to the
model instance.
class BookForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = DerivedBook
fields = ('isbn', 'suffix1')
# The unique_together is on suffix1/suffix2 but only suffix1 is part
# of the form. The fields must have defaults, otherwise they'll be
# skipped by other logic.
self.assertEqual(DerivedBook._meta.unique_together, (('suffix1', 'suffix2'),))
for name in ('suffix1', 'suffix2'):
with self.subTest(name=name):
field = DerivedBook._meta.get_field(name)
self.assertEqual(field.default, 0)
# The form fails validation with "Derived book with this Suffix1 and
# Suffix2 already exists." if the unique_together validation isn't
# skipped.
form = BookForm({'isbn': '56789', 'suffix1': '0'})
self.assertTrue(form.is_valid(), form.errors)
def test_multiple_field_unique_together(self):
When the same field is involved in multiple unique_together
constraints, we need to make sure we don't remove the data for it
before doing all the validation checking (not just failing after
the first one).
class TripleForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Triple
fields = '__all__'
Triple.objects.create(left=1, middle=2, right=3)
form = TripleForm({'left': '1', 'middle': '2', 'right': '3'})
form = TripleForm({'left': '1', 'middle': '3', 'right': '1'})
def test_unique_null(self):
title = 'I May Be Wrong But I Doubt It'
form = BookForm({'title': title, 'author': self.writer.pk})
form = BookForm({'title': title, 'author': self.writer.pk})
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['__all__'], ['Book with this Title and Author already exists.'])
form = BookForm({'title': title})
form = BookForm({'title': title})
def test_inherited_unique(self):
title = 'Boss'
Book.objects.create(title=title, author=self.writer, special_id=1)
form = DerivedBookForm({'title': 'Other', 'author': self.writer.pk, 'special_id': '1', 'isbn': '12345'})
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['special_id'], ['Book with this Special id already exists.'])
def test_inherited_unique_together(self):
title = 'Boss'
form = BookForm({'title': title, 'author': self.writer.pk})
form = DerivedBookForm({'title': title, 'author': self.writer.pk, 'isbn': '12345'})
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['__all__'], ['Book with this Title and Author already exists.'])
def test_abstract_inherited_unique(self):
title = 'Boss'
isbn = '12345'
DerivedBook.objects.create(title=title, author=self.writer, isbn=isbn)
form = DerivedBookForm({
'title': 'Other', 'author': self.writer.pk, 'isbn': isbn,
'suffix1': '1', 'suffix2': '2',
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['isbn'], ['Derived book with this Isbn already exists.'])
def test_abstract_inherited_unique_together(self):
title = 'Boss'
isbn = '12345'
DerivedBook.objects.create(title=title, author=self.writer, isbn=isbn)
form = DerivedBookForm({
'title': 'Other',
'author': self.writer.pk,
'isbn': '9876',
'suffix1': '0',
'suffix2': '0'
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
['Derived book with this Suffix1 and Suffix2 already exists.'],
def test_explicitpk_unspecified(self):
"""Test for primary_key being in the form and failing validation."""
form = ExplicitPKForm({'key': '', 'desc': ''})
def test_explicitpk_unique(self):
"""Ensure keys and blank character strings are tested for uniqueness."""
form = ExplicitPKForm({'key': 'key1', 'desc': ''})
form = ExplicitPKForm({'key': 'key1', 'desc': ''})
if connection.features.interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls:
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['key'], ['Explicit pk with this Key already exists.'])
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 3)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['__all__'], ['Explicit pk with this Key and Desc already exists.'])
self.assertEqual(form.errors['desc'], ['Explicit pk with this Desc already exists.'])
self.assertEqual(form.errors['key'], ['Explicit pk with this Key already exists.'])
def test_unique_for_date(self):
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
p = Post.objects.create(
title="Django 1.0 is released", slug="Django 1.0",
subtitle="Finally", posted=datetime.date(2008, 9, 3),
form = PostForm({'title': "Django 1.0 is released", 'posted': '2008-09-03'})
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['title'], ['Title must be unique for Posted date.'])
form = PostForm({'title': "Work on Django 1.1 begins", 'posted': '2008-09-03'})
form = PostForm({'title': "Django 1.0 is released", 'posted': '2008-09-04'})
form = PostForm({'slug': "Django 1.0", 'posted': '2008-01-01'})
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['slug'], ['Slug must be unique for Posted year.'])
form = PostForm({'subtitle': "Finally", 'posted': '2008-09-30'})
self.assertEqual(form.errors['subtitle'], ['Subtitle must be unique for Posted month.'])
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
data = {'subtitle': "Finally", "title": "Django 1.0 is released", "slug": "Django 1.0", 'posted': '2008-09-03'}
form = PostForm(data, instance=p)
form = PostForm({'title': "Django 1.0 is released"})
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['posted'], ['This field is required.'])
def test_unique_for_date_in_exclude(self):
If the date for unique_for_* constraints is excluded from the
ModelForm (in this case 'posted' has editable=False, then the
constraint should be ignored.
class DateTimePostForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = DateTimePost
fields = '__all__'
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
title="Django 1.0 is released", slug="Django 1.0",
subtitle="Finally", posted=datetime.datetime(2008, 9, 3, 10, 10, 1),
# 'title' has unique_for_date='posted'
form = DateTimePostForm({'title': "Django 1.0 is released", 'posted': '2008-09-03'})
# 'slug' has unique_for_year='posted'
form = DateTimePostForm({'slug': "Django 1.0", 'posted': '2008-01-01'})
# 'subtitle' has unique_for_month='posted'
form = DateTimePostForm({'subtitle': "Finally", 'posted': '2008-09-30'})
def test_inherited_unique_for_date(self):
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
p = Post.objects.create(
title="Django 1.0 is released", slug="Django 1.0",
subtitle="Finally", posted=datetime.date(2008, 9, 3),
form = DerivedPostForm({'title': "Django 1.0 is released", 'posted': '2008-09-03'})
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['title'], ['Title must be unique for Posted date.'])
form = DerivedPostForm({'title': "Work on Django 1.1 begins", 'posted': '2008-09-03'})
form = DerivedPostForm({'title': "Django 1.0 is released", 'posted': '2008-09-04'})
form = DerivedPostForm({'slug': "Django 1.0", 'posted': '2008-01-01'})
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['slug'], ['Slug must be unique for Posted year.'])
form = DerivedPostForm({'subtitle': "Finally", 'posted': '2008-09-30'})
self.assertEqual(form.errors['subtitle'], ['Subtitle must be unique for Posted month.'])
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
data = {'subtitle': "Finally", "title": "Django 1.0 is released", "slug": "Django 1.0", 'posted': '2008-09-03'}
form = DerivedPostForm(data, instance=p)
def test_unique_for_date_with_nullable_date(self):
class FlexDatePostForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = FlexibleDatePost
fields = '__all__'
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
p = FlexibleDatePost.objects.create(
title="Django 1.0 is released", slug="Django 1.0",
subtitle="Finally", posted=datetime.date(2008, 9, 3),
form = FlexDatePostForm({'title': "Django 1.0 is released"})
form = FlexDatePostForm({'slug': "Django 1.0"})
form = FlexDatePostForm({'subtitle': "Finally"})
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
data = {'subtitle': "Finally", "title": "Django 1.0 is released", "slug": "Django 1.0"}
form = FlexDatePostForm(data, instance=p)
def test_override_unique_message(self):
class CustomProductForm(ProductForm):
class Meta(ProductForm.Meta):
error_messages = {
'slug': {
'unique': "%(model_name)s's %(field_label)s not unique.",
form = CustomProductForm({'slug': 'teddy-bear-blue'})
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['slug'], ["Product's Slug not unique."])
def test_override_unique_together_message(self):
class CustomPriceForm(PriceForm):
class Meta(PriceForm.Meta):
error_messages = {
'unique_together': "%(model_name)s's %(field_labels)s not unique.",
Price.objects.create(price=6.00, quantity=1)
form = CustomPriceForm({'price': '6.00', 'quantity': '1'})
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors[NON_FIELD_ERRORS], ["Price's Price and Quantity not unique."])
def test_override_unique_for_date_message(self):
class CustomPostForm(PostForm):
class Meta(PostForm.Meta):
error_messages = {
'title': {
'unique_for_date': (
"%(model_name)s's %(field_label)s not unique "
"for %(date_field_label)s date."
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
title="Django 1.0 is released", slug="Django 1.0",
subtitle="Finally", posted=datetime.date(2008, 9, 3),
form = CustomPostForm({'title': "Django 1.0 is released", 'posted': '2008-09-03'})
self.assertEqual(len(form.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['title'], ["Post's Title not unique for Posted date."])
class ModelFormBasicTests(TestCase):
def create_basic_data(self):
self.c1 = Category.objects.create(name='Entertainment', slug='entertainment', url='entertainment')
self.c2 = Category.objects.create(name="It's a test", slug='its-test', url='test')
self.c3 = Category.objects.create(name='Third test', slug='third-test', url='third')
self.w_royko = Writer.objects.create(name='Mike Royko')
self.w_woodward = Writer.objects.create(name='Bob Woodward')
def test_base_form(self):
self.assertEqual(Category.objects.count(), 0)
f = BaseCategoryForm()
"""<tr><th><label for="id_name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_name" type="text" name="name" maxlength="20" required></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_slug">Slug:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_slug" type="text" name="slug" maxlength="20" required></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_url">The URL:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_url" type="text" name="url" maxlength="40" required></td></tr>"""
"""<li><label for="id_name">Name:</label> <input id="id_name" type="text" name="name" maxlength="20" required></li>
<li><label for="id_slug">Slug:</label> <input id="id_slug" type="text" name="slug" maxlength="20" required></li>
<li><label for="id_url">The URL:</label> <input id="id_url" type="text" name="url" maxlength="40" required></li>"""
"""<input id="id_name" type="text" name="name" maxlength="20" required>""")
def test_auto_id(self):
f = BaseCategoryForm(auto_id=False)
"""<li>Name: <input type="text" name="name" maxlength="20" required></li>
<li>Slug: <input type="text" name="slug" maxlength="20" required></li>
<li>The URL: <input type="text" name="url" maxlength="40" required></li>"""
def test_initial_values(self):
# Initial values can be provided for model forms
f = ArticleForm(
'headline': 'Your headline here',
'categories': [str(self.c1.id), str(self.c2.id)]
'''<li>Headline: <input type="text" name="headline" value="Your headline here" maxlength="50" required></li>
<li>Slug: <input type="text" name="slug" maxlength="50" required></li>
<li>Pub date: <input type="text" name="pub_date" required></li>
<li>Writer: <select name="writer" required>
<option value="" selected>---------</option>
<option value="%s">Bob Woodward</option>
<option value="%s">Mike Royko</option>
<li>Article: <textarea rows="10" cols="40" name="article" required></textarea></li>
<li>Categories: <select multiple name="categories">
<option value="%s" selected>Entertainment</option>
<option value="%s" selected>It&#x27;s a test</option>
<option value="%s">Third test</option>
<li>Status: <select name="status">
<option value="" selected>---------</option>
<option value="1">Draft</option>
<option value="2">Pending</option>
<option value="3">Live</option>
</select></li>''' % (self.w_woodward.pk, self.w_royko.pk, self.c1.pk, self.c2.pk, self.c3.pk))
# When the ModelForm is passed an instance, that instance's current values are
# inserted as 'initial' data in each Field.
f = RoykoForm(auto_id=False, instance=self.w_royko)
'''<tr><th>Name:</th><td><input type="text" name="name" value="Mike Royko" maxlength="50" required><br>
<span class="helptext">Use both first and last names.</span></td></tr>'''
art = Article.objects.create(
headline='Test article',
pub_date=datetime.date(1988, 1, 4),
art_id_1 = art.id
f = ArticleForm(auto_id=False, instance=art)
'''<li>Headline: <input type="text" name="headline" value="Test article" maxlength="50" required></li>
<li>Slug: <input type="text" name="slug" value="test-article" maxlength="50" required></li>
<li>Pub date: <input type="text" name="pub_date" value="1988-01-04" required></li>
<li>Writer: <select name="writer" required>
<option value="">---------</option>
<option value="%s">Bob Woodward</option>
<option value="%s" selected>Mike Royko</option>
<li>Article: <textarea rows="10" cols="40" name="article" required>Hello.</textarea></li>
<li>Categories: <select multiple name="categories">
<option value="%s">Entertainment</option>
<option value="%s">It&#x27;s a test</option>
<option value="%s">Third test</option>
<li>Status: <select name="status">
<option value="" selected>---------</option>
<option value="1">Draft</option>
<option value="2">Pending</option>
<option value="3">Live</option>
</select></li>''' % (self.w_woodward.pk, self.w_royko.pk, self.c1.pk, self.c2.pk, self.c3.pk))
f = ArticleForm({
'headline': 'Test headline',
'slug': 'test-headline',
'pub_date': '1984-02-06',
'writer': str(self.w_royko.pk),
'article': 'Hello.'
}, instance=art)
self.assertEqual(f.errors, {})
test_art = f.save()
self.assertEqual(test_art.id, art_id_1)
test_art = Article.objects.get(id=art_id_1)
self.assertEqual(test_art.headline, 'Test headline')
def test_m2m_initial_callable(self):
Regression for #10349: A callable can be provided as the initial value for an m2m field
self.maxDiff = 1200
# Set up a callable initial value
def formfield_for_dbfield(db_field, **kwargs):
if db_field.name == 'categories':
kwargs['initial'] = lambda: Category.objects.all().order_by('name')[:2]
return db_field.formfield(**kwargs)
# Create a ModelForm, instantiate it, and check that the output is as expected
ModelForm = modelform_factory(
fields=['headline', 'categories'],
form = ModelForm()
"""<li><label for="id_headline">Headline:</label>
<input id="id_headline" type="text" name="headline" maxlength="50" required></li>
<li><label for="id_categories">Categories:</label>
<select multiple name="categories" id="id_categories">
<option value="%d" selected>Entertainment</option>
<option value="%d" selected>It&#x27;s a test</option>
<option value="%d">Third test</option>
% (self.c1.pk, self.c2.pk, self.c3.pk))
def test_basic_creation(self):
self.assertEqual(Category.objects.count(), 0)
f = BaseCategoryForm({
'name': 'Entertainment',
'slug': 'entertainment',
'url': 'entertainment',
self.assertEqual(f.cleaned_data['name'], 'Entertainment')
self.assertEqual(f.cleaned_data['slug'], 'entertainment')
self.assertEqual(f.cleaned_data['url'], 'entertainment')
c1 = f.save()
# Testing whether the same object is returned from the
# ORM... not the fastest way...
self.assertEqual(Category.objects.count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(c1, Category.objects.all()[0])
self.assertEqual(c1.name, "Entertainment")
def test_save_commit_false(self):
# If you call save() with commit=False, then it will return an object that
# hasn't yet been saved to the database. In this case, it's up to you to call
# save() on the resulting model instance.
f = BaseCategoryForm({'name': 'Third test', 'slug': 'third-test', 'url': 'third'})
c1 = f.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(c1.name, "Third test")
self.assertEqual(Category.objects.count(), 0)
self.assertEqual(Category.objects.count(), 1)
def test_save_with_data_errors(self):
# If you call save() with invalid data, you'll get a ValueError.
f = BaseCategoryForm({'name': '', 'slug': 'not a slug!', 'url': 'foo'})
self.assertEqual(f.errors['name'], ['This field is required.'])
['Enter a valid “slug” consisting of letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens.']
self.assertEqual(f.cleaned_data, {'url': 'foo'})
msg = "The Category could not be created because the data didn't validate."
with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, msg):
f = BaseCategoryForm({'name': '', 'slug': '', 'url': 'foo'})
with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, msg):
def test_multi_fields(self):
self.maxDiff = None
# ManyToManyFields are represented by a MultipleChoiceField, ForeignKeys and any
# fields with the 'choices' attribute are represented by a ChoiceField.
f = ArticleForm(auto_id=False)
'''<tr><th>Headline:</th><td><input type="text" name="headline" maxlength="50" required></td></tr>
<tr><th>Slug:</th><td><input type="text" name="slug" maxlength="50" required></td></tr>
<tr><th>Pub date:</th><td><input type="text" name="pub_date" required></td></tr>
<tr><th>Writer:</th><td><select name="writer" required>
<option value="" selected>---------</option>
<option value="%s">Bob Woodward</option>
<option value="%s">Mike Royko</option>
<tr><th>Article:</th><td><textarea rows="10" cols="40" name="article" required></textarea></td></tr>
<tr><th>Categories:</th><td><select multiple name="categories">
<option value="%s">Entertainment</option>
<option value="%s">It&#x27;s a test</option>
<option value="%s">Third test</option>
<tr><th>Status:</th><td><select name="status">
<option value="" selected>---------</option>
<option value="1">Draft</option>
<option value="2">Pending</option>
<option value="3">Live</option>
</select></td></tr>''' % (self.w_woodward.pk, self.w_royko.pk, self.c1.pk, self.c2.pk, self.c3.pk))
# Add some categories and test the many-to-many form output.
new_art = Article.objects.create(
article="Hello.", headline="New headline", slug="new-headline",
pub_date=datetime.date(1988, 1, 4), writer=self.w_royko)
self.assertQuerysetEqual(new_art.categories.all(), ["Entertainment"])
f = ArticleForm(auto_id=False, instance=new_art)
'''<li>Headline: <input type="text" name="headline" value="New headline" maxlength="50" required></li>
<li>Slug: <input type="text" name="slug" value="new-headline" maxlength="50" required></li>
<li>Pub date: <input type="text" name="pub_date" value="1988-01-04" required></li>
<li>Writer: <select name="writer" required>
<option value="">---------</option>
<option value="%s">Bob Woodward</option>
<option value="%s" selected>Mike Royko</option>
<li>Article: <textarea rows="10" cols="40" name="article" required>Hello.</textarea></li>
<li>Categories: <select multiple name="categories">
<option value="%s" selected>Entertainment</option>
<option value="%s">It&#x27;s a test</option>
<option value="%s">Third test</option>
<li>Status: <select name="status">
<option value="" selected>---------</option>
<option value="1">Draft</option>
<option value="2">Pending</option>
<option value="3">Live</option>
</select></li>''' % (self.w_woodward.pk, self.w_royko.pk, self.c1.pk, self.c2.pk, self.c3.pk))
def test_subset_fields(self):
# You can restrict a form to a subset of the complete list of fields
# by providing a 'fields' argument. If you try to save a
# model created with such a form, you need to ensure that the fields
# that are _not_ on the form have default values, or are allowed to have
# a value of None. If a field isn't specified on a form, the object created
# from the form can't provide a value for that field!
class PartialArticleForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Article
fields = ('headline', 'pub_date')
f = PartialArticleForm(auto_id=False)
'''<tr><th>Headline:</th><td><input type="text" name="headline" maxlength="50" required></td></tr>
<tr><th>Pub date:</th><td><input type="text" name="pub_date" required></td></tr>''')
class PartialArticleFormWithSlug(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Article
fields = ('headline', 'slug', 'pub_date')
w_royko = Writer.objects.create(name='Mike Royko')
art = Article.objects.create(
article="Hello.", headline="New headline", slug="new-headline",
pub_date=datetime.date(1988, 1, 4), writer=w_royko)
f = PartialArticleFormWithSlug({
'headline': 'New headline',
'slug': 'new-headline',
'pub_date': '1988-01-04'
}, auto_id=False, instance=art)
'''<li>Headline: <input type="text" name="headline" value="New headline" maxlength="50" required></li>
<li>Slug: <input type="text" name="slug" value="new-headline" maxlength="50" required></li>
<li>Pub date: <input type="text" name="pub_date" value="1988-01-04" required></li>'''
new_art = f.save()
self.assertEqual(new_art.id, art.id)
new_art = Article.objects.get(id=art.id)
self.assertEqual(new_art.headline, 'New headline')
def test_m2m_editing(self):
form_data = {
'headline': 'New headline',
'slug': 'new-headline',
'pub_date': '1988-01-04',
'writer': str(self.w_royko.pk),
'article': 'Hello.',
'categories': [str(self.c1.id), str(self.c2.id)]
# Create a new article, with categories, via the form.
f = ArticleForm(form_data)
new_art = f.save()
new_art = Article.objects.get(id=new_art.id)
art_id_1 = new_art.id
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
self.assertQuerysetEqual(new_art.categories.order_by('name'), ["Entertainment", "It's a test"])
# Now, submit form data with no categories. This deletes the existing categories.
form_data['categories'] = []
f = ArticleForm(form_data, instance=new_art)
new_art = f.save()
self.assertEqual(new_art.id, art_id_1)
new_art = Article.objects.get(id=art_id_1)
self.assertQuerysetEqual(new_art.categories.all(), [])
# Create a new article, with no categories, via the form.
f = ArticleForm(form_data)
new_art = f.save()
art_id_2 = new_art.id
self.assertNotIn(art_id_2, (None, art_id_1))
new_art = Article.objects.get(id=art_id_2)
self.assertQuerysetEqual(new_art.categories.all(), [])
# Create a new article, with categories, via the form, but use commit=False.
# The m2m data won't be saved until save_m2m() is invoked on the form.
form_data['categories'] = [str(self.c1.id), str(self.c2.id)]
f = ArticleForm(form_data)
new_art = f.save(commit=False)
# Manually save the instance
art_id_3 = new_art.id
self.assertNotIn(art_id_3, (None, art_id_1, art_id_2))
# The instance doesn't have m2m data yet
new_art = Article.objects.get(id=art_id_3)
self.assertQuerysetEqual(new_art.categories.all(), [])
# Save the m2m data on the form
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
self.assertQuerysetEqual(new_art.categories.order_by('name'), ["Entertainment", "It's a test"])
def test_custom_form_fields(self):
# Here, we define a custom ModelForm. Because it happens to have the same fields as
# the Category model, we can just call the form's save() to apply its changes to an
# existing Category instance.
class ShortCategory(forms.ModelForm):
name = forms.CharField(max_length=5)
slug = forms.CharField(max_length=5)
url = forms.CharField(max_length=3)
class Meta:
model = Category
fields = '__all__'
cat = Category.objects.create(name='Third test')
form = ShortCategory({'name': 'Third', 'slug': 'third', 'url': '3rd'}, instance=cat)
self.assertEqual(form.save().name, 'Third')
self.assertEqual(Category.objects.get(id=cat.id).name, 'Third')
def test_runtime_choicefield_populated(self):
self.maxDiff = None
# Here, we demonstrate that choices for a ForeignKey ChoiceField are determined
# at runtime, based on the data in the database when the form is displayed, not
# the data in the database when the form is instantiated.
f = ArticleForm(auto_id=False)
'''<li>Headline: <input type="text" name="headline" maxlength="50" required></li>
<li>Slug: <input type="text" name="slug" maxlength="50" required></li>
<li>Pub date: <input type="text" name="pub_date" required></li>
<li>Writer: <select name="writer" required>
<option value="" selected>---------</option>
<option value="%s">Bob Woodward</option>
<option value="%s">Mike Royko</option>
<li>Article: <textarea rows="10" cols="40" name="article" required></textarea></li>
<li>Categories: <select multiple name="categories">
<option value="%s">Entertainment</option>
<option value="%s">It&#x27;s a test</option>
<option value="%s">Third test</option>
</select> </li>
<li>Status: <select name="status">
<option value="" selected>---------</option>
<option value="1">Draft</option>
<option value="2">Pending</option>
<option value="3">Live</option>
</select></li>''' % (self.w_woodward.pk, self.w_royko.pk, self.c1.pk, self.c2.pk, self.c3.pk))
c4 = Category.objects.create(name='Fourth', url='4th')
w_bernstein = Writer.objects.create(name='Carl Bernstein')
'''<li>Headline: <input type="text" name="headline" maxlength="50" required></li>
<li>Slug: <input type="text" name="slug" maxlength="50" required></li>
<li>Pub date: <input type="text" name="pub_date" required></li>
<li>Writer: <select name="writer" required>
<option value="" selected>---------</option>
<option value="%s">Bob Woodward</option>
<option value="%s">Carl Bernstein</option>
<option value="%s">Mike Royko</option>
<li>Article: <textarea rows="10" cols="40" name="article" required></textarea></li>
<li>Categories: <select multiple name="categories">
<option value="%s">Entertainment</option>
<option value="%s">It&#x27;s a test</option>
<option value="%s">Third test</option>
<option value="%s">Fourth</option>
<li>Status: <select name="status">
<option value="" selected>---------</option>
<option value="1">Draft</option>
<option value="2">Pending</option>
<option value="3">Live</option>
</select></li>''' % (self.w_woodward.pk, w_bernstein.pk, self.w_royko.pk, self.c1.pk, self.c2.pk, self.c3.pk, c4.pk))
def test_recleaning_model_form_instance(self):
Re-cleaning an instance that was added via a ModelForm shouldn't raise
a pk uniqueness error.
class AuthorForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Author
fields = '__all__'
form = AuthorForm({'full_name': 'Bob'})
obj = form.save()
obj.name = 'Alice'
def test_validate_foreign_key_uses_default_manager(self):
class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Article
fields = '__all__'
# Archived writers are filtered out by the default manager.
w = Writer.objects.create(name='Randy', archived=True)
data = {
'headline': 'My Article',
'slug': 'my-article',
'pub_date': datetime.date.today(),
'writer': w.pk,
'article': 'lorem ipsum',
form = MyForm(data)
self.assertIs(form.is_valid(), False)
{'writer': ['Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices.']},
def test_validate_foreign_key_to_model_with_overridden_manager(self):
class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Article
fields = '__all__'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Allow archived authors.
self.fields['writer'].queryset = Writer._base_manager.all()
w = Writer.objects.create(name='Randy', archived=True)
data = {
'headline': 'My Article',
'slug': 'my-article',
'pub_date': datetime.date.today(),
'writer': w.pk,
'article': 'lorem ipsum',
form = MyForm(data)
self.assertIs(form.is_valid(), True)
article = form.save()
self.assertEqual(article.writer, w)
class ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests(TestCase):
def setUpTestData(cls):
cls.c1 = Category.objects.create(name='Entertainment', slug='entertainment', url='entertainment')
cls.c2 = Category.objects.create(name="It's a test", slug='its-test', url='test')
cls.c3 = Category.objects.create(name='Third', slug='third-test', url='third')
def test_model_multiple_choice_field(self):
f = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(Category.objects.all())
self.assertEqual(list(f.choices), [
(self.c1.pk, 'Entertainment'),
(self.c2.pk, "It's a test"),
(self.c3.pk, 'Third')])
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
self.assertQuerysetEqual(f.clean([self.c1.id]), ["Entertainment"])
self.assertQuerysetEqual(f.clean([self.c2.id]), ["It's a test"])
self.assertQuerysetEqual(f.clean([str(self.c1.id)]), ["Entertainment"])
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
f.clean([str(self.c1.id), str(self.c2.id)]),
["Entertainment", "It's a test"], ordered=False
f.clean([self.c1.id, str(self.c2.id)]),
["Entertainment", "It's a test"], ordered=False
f.clean((self.c1.id, str(self.c2.id))),
["Entertainment", "It's a test"], ordered=False
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
# Invalid types that require TypeError to be caught (#22808).
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
f.clean([{'foo': 'bar'}])
# Add a Category object *after* the ModelMultipleChoiceField has already been
# instantiated. This proves clean() checks the database during clean() rather
# than caching it at time of instantiation.
# Note, we are using an id of 1006 here since tests that run before
# this may create categories with primary keys up to 6. Use
# a number that will not conflict.
c6 = Category.objects.create(id=1006, name='Sixth', url='6th')
self.assertQuerysetEqual(f.clean([c6.id]), ["Sixth"])
# Delete a Category object *after* the ModelMultipleChoiceField has already been
# instantiated. This proves clean() checks the database during clean() rather
# than caching it at time of instantiation.
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
def test_model_multiple_choice_required_false(self):
f = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(Category.objects.all(), required=False)
self.assertIsInstance(f.clean([]), EmptyQuerySet)
self.assertIsInstance(f.clean(()), EmptyQuerySet)
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
f.clean([str(self.c3.id), '0'])
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
f.clean([str(self.c1.id), '0'])
# queryset can be changed after the field is created.
f.queryset = Category.objects.exclude(name='Third')
self.assertEqual(list(f.choices), [
(self.c1.pk, 'Entertainment'),
(self.c2.pk, "It's a test")])
self.assertQuerysetEqual(f.clean([self.c2.id]), ["It's a test"])
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
f.clean([str(self.c2.id), str(self.c3.id)])
f.queryset = Category.objects.all()
f.label_from_instance = lambda obj: "multicategory " + str(obj)
self.assertEqual(list(f.choices), [
(self.c1.pk, 'multicategory Entertainment'),
(self.c2.pk, "multicategory It's a test"),
(self.c3.pk, 'multicategory Third')])
def test_model_multiple_choice_number_of_queries(self):
ModelMultipleChoiceField does O(1) queries instead of O(n) (#10156).
persons = [Writer.objects.create(name="Person %s" % i) for i in range(30)]
f = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=Writer.objects.all())
self.assertNumQueries(1, f.clean, [p.pk for p in persons[1:11:2]])
def test_model_multiple_choice_run_validators(self):
ModelMultipleChoiceField run given validators (#14144).
for i in range(30):
Writer.objects.create(name="Person %s" % i)
self._validator_run = False
def my_validator(value):
self._validator_run = True
f = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=Writer.objects.all(), validators=[my_validator])
f.clean([p.pk for p in Writer.objects.all()[8:9]])
def test_model_multiple_choice_show_hidden_initial(self):
Test support of show_hidden_initial by ModelMultipleChoiceField.
class WriterForm(forms.Form):
persons = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(show_hidden_initial=True, queryset=Writer.objects.all())
person1 = Writer.objects.create(name="Person 1")
person2 = Writer.objects.create(name="Person 2")
form = WriterForm(
initial={'persons': [person1, person2]},
'initial-persons': [str(person1.pk), str(person2.pk)],
'persons': [str(person1.pk), str(person2.pk)],
form = WriterForm(
initial={'persons': [person1, person2]},
'initial-persons': [str(person1.pk), str(person2.pk)],
'persons': [str(person2.pk)],
def test_model_multiple_choice_field_22745(self):
#22745 -- Make sure that ModelMultipleChoiceField with
CheckboxSelectMultiple widget doesn't produce unnecessary db queries
when accessing its BoundField's attrs.
class ModelMultipleChoiceForm(forms.Form):
categories = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(Category.objects.all(), widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple)
form = ModelMultipleChoiceForm()
field = form['categories'] # BoundField
template = Template('{{ field.name }}{{ field }}{{ field.help_text }}')
with self.assertNumQueries(1):
template.render(Context({'field': field}))
def test_show_hidden_initial_changed_queries_efficiently(self):
class WriterForm(forms.Form):
persons = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
show_hidden_initial=True, queryset=Writer.objects.all())
writers = (Writer.objects.create(name=str(x)) for x in range(0, 50))
writer_pks = tuple(x.pk for x in writers)
form = WriterForm(data={'initial-persons': writer_pks})
with self.assertNumQueries(1):
def test_clean_does_deduplicate_values(self):
class PersonForm(forms.Form):
persons = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=Person.objects.all())
person1 = Person.objects.create(name='Person 1')
form = PersonForm(data={})
queryset = form.fields['persons'].clean([str(person1.pk)] * 50)
sql, params = queryset.query.sql_with_params()
self.assertEqual(len(params), 1)
def test_to_field_name_with_initial_data(self):
class ArticleCategoriesForm(forms.ModelForm):
categories = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(Category.objects.all(), to_field_name='slug')
class Meta:
model = Article
fields = ['categories']
article = Article.objects.create(
headline='Test article',
pub_date=datetime.date(1988, 1, 4),
writer=Writer.objects.create(name='Test writer'),
article.categories.add(self.c2, self.c3)
form = ArticleCategoriesForm(instance=article)
self.assertCountEqual(form['categories'].value(), [self.c2.slug, self.c3.slug])
class ModelOneToOneFieldTests(TestCase):
def test_modelform_onetoonefield(self):
class ImprovedArticleForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = ImprovedArticle
fields = '__all__'
class ImprovedArticleWithParentLinkForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = ImprovedArticleWithParentLink
fields = '__all__'
self.assertEqual(list(ImprovedArticleForm.base_fields), ['article'])
self.assertEqual(list(ImprovedArticleWithParentLinkForm.base_fields), [])
def test_modelform_subclassed_model(self):
class BetterWriterForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
# BetterWriter model is a subclass of Writer with an additional `score` field
model = BetterWriter
fields = '__all__'
bw = BetterWriter.objects.create(name='Joe Better', score=10)
self.assertEqual(sorted(model_to_dict(bw)), ['id', 'name', 'score', 'writer_ptr'])
self.assertEqual(sorted(model_to_dict(bw, fields=[])), [])
self.assertEqual(sorted(model_to_dict(bw, fields=['id', 'name'])), ['id', 'name'])
self.assertEqual(sorted(model_to_dict(bw, exclude=[])), ['id', 'name', 'score', 'writer_ptr'])
self.assertEqual(sorted(model_to_dict(bw, exclude=['id', 'name'])), ['score', 'writer_ptr'])
form = BetterWriterForm({'name': 'Some Name', 'score': 12})
bw2 = form.save()
self.assertEqual(bw2.score, 12)
def test_onetoonefield(self):
class WriterProfileForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
# WriterProfile has a OneToOneField to Writer
model = WriterProfile
fields = '__all__'
self.w_royko = Writer.objects.create(name='Mike Royko')
self.w_woodward = Writer.objects.create(name='Bob Woodward')
form = WriterProfileForm()
'''<p><label for="id_writer">Writer:</label> <select name="writer" id="id_writer" required>
<option value="" selected>---------</option>
<option value="%s">Bob Woodward</option>
<option value="%s">Mike Royko</option>
<p><label for="id_age">Age:</label> <input type="number" name="age" id="id_age" min="0" required></p>''' % (
self.w_woodward.pk, self.w_royko.pk,
data = {
'writer': str(self.w_woodward.pk),
'age': '65',
form = WriterProfileForm(data)
instance = form.save()
self.assertEqual(str(instance), 'Bob Woodward is 65')
form = WriterProfileForm(instance=instance)
'''<p><label for="id_writer">Writer:</label> <select name="writer" id="id_writer" required>
<option value="">---------</option>
<option value="%s" selected>Bob Woodward</option>
<option value="%s">Mike Royko</option>
<p><label for="id_age">Age:</label>
<input type="number" name="age" value="65" id="id_age" min="0" required></p>''' % (
self.w_woodward.pk, self.w_royko.pk,
def test_assignment_of_none(self):
class AuthorForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Author
fields = ['publication', 'full_name']
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
publication = Publication.objects.create(title="Pravda", date_published=datetime.date(1991, 8, 22))
author = Author.objects.create(publication=publication, full_name='John Doe')
form = AuthorForm({'publication': '', 'full_name': 'John Doe'}, instance=author)
author = form.save()
# author object returned from form still retains original publication object
# that's why we need to retrieve it from database again
new_author = Author.objects.get(pk=author.pk)
def test_assignment_of_none_null_false(self):
class AuthorForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Author1
fields = ['publication', 'full_name']
2016-04-07 22:04:45 -04:00
publication = Publication.objects.create(title="Pravda", date_published=datetime.date(1991, 8, 22))
author = Author1.objects.create(publication=publication, full_name='John Doe')
form = AuthorForm({'publication': '', 'full_name': 'John Doe'}, instance=author)
class FileAndImageFieldTests(TestCase):
def test_clean_false(self):
If the ``clean`` method on a non-required FileField receives False as
the data (meaning clear the field value), it returns False, regardless
of the value of ``initial``.
f = forms.FileField(required=False)
self.assertIs(f.clean(False), False)
self.assertIs(f.clean(False, 'initial'), False)
def test_clean_false_required(self):
If the ``clean`` method on a required FileField receives False as the
data, it has the same effect as None: initial is returned if non-empty,
otherwise the validation catches the lack of a required value.
f = forms.FileField(required=True)
self.assertEqual(f.clean(False, 'initial'), 'initial')
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
def test_full_clear(self):
Integration happy-path test that a model FileField can actually be set
and cleared via a ModelForm.
class DocumentForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Document
fields = '__all__'
form = DocumentForm()
self.assertIn('name="myfile"', str(form))
self.assertNotIn('myfile-clear', str(form))
form = DocumentForm(files={'myfile': SimpleUploadedFile('something.txt', b'content')})
doc = form.save(commit=False)
self.assertEqual(doc.myfile.name, 'something.txt')
form = DocumentForm(instance=doc)
self.assertIn('myfile-clear', str(form))
form = DocumentForm(instance=doc, data={'myfile-clear': 'true'})
doc = form.save(commit=False)
def test_clear_and_file_contradiction(self):
If the user submits a new file upload AND checks the clear checkbox,
they get a validation error, and the bound redisplay of the form still
includes the current file and the clear checkbox.
class DocumentForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Document
fields = '__all__'
form = DocumentForm(files={'myfile': SimpleUploadedFile('something.txt', b'content')})
doc = form.save(commit=False)
form = DocumentForm(
files={'myfile': SimpleUploadedFile('something.txt', b'content')},
data={'myfile-clear': 'true'},
self.assertTrue(not form.is_valid())
['Please either submit a file or check the clear checkbox, not both.'])
rendered = str(form)
self.assertIn('something.txt', rendered)
self.assertIn('myfile-clear', rendered)
def test_render_empty_file_field(self):
class DocumentForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Document
fields = '__all__'
doc = Document.objects.create()
form = DocumentForm(instance=doc)
'<input id="id_myfile" name="myfile" type="file">'
def test_file_field_data(self):
# Test conditions when files is either not given or empty.
f = TextFileForm(data={'description': 'Assistance'})
f = TextFileForm(data={'description': 'Assistance'}, files={})
# Upload a file and ensure it all works as expected.
f = TextFileForm(
data={'description': 'Assistance'},
files={'file': SimpleUploadedFile('test1.txt', b'hello world')},
self.assertEqual(type(f.cleaned_data['file']), SimpleUploadedFile)
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.file.name, 'tests/test1.txt')
# If the previous file has been deleted, the file name can be reused
f = TextFileForm(
data={'description': 'Assistance'},
files={'file': SimpleUploadedFile('test1.txt', b'hello world')},
self.assertEqual(type(f.cleaned_data['file']), SimpleUploadedFile)
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.file.name, 'tests/test1.txt')
# Check if the max_length attribute has been inherited from the model.
f = TextFileForm(
data={'description': 'Assistance'},
files={'file': SimpleUploadedFile('test-maxlength.txt', b'hello world')},
# Edit an instance that already has the file defined in the model. This will not
# save the file again, but leave it exactly as it is.
f = TextFileForm({'description': 'Assistance'}, instance=instance)
self.assertEqual(f.cleaned_data['file'].name, 'tests/test1.txt')
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.file.name, 'tests/test1.txt')
# Delete the current file since this is not done by Django.
# Override the file by uploading a new one.
f = TextFileForm(
data={'description': 'Assistance'},
files={'file': SimpleUploadedFile('test2.txt', b'hello world')},
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.file.name, 'tests/test2.txt')
# Delete the current file since this is not done by Django.
def test_filefield_required_false(self):
# Test the non-required FileField
f = TextFileForm(data={'description': 'Assistance'})
f.fields['file'].required = False
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.file.name, '')
f = TextFileForm(
data={'description': 'Assistance'},
files={'file': SimpleUploadedFile('test3.txt', b'hello world')},
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.file.name, 'tests/test3.txt')
# Instance can be edited w/out re-uploading the file and existing file should be preserved.
f = TextFileForm({'description': 'New Description'}, instance=instance)
f.fields['file'].required = False
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.description, 'New Description')
self.assertEqual(instance.file.name, 'tests/test3.txt')
# Delete the current file since this is not done by Django.
def test_custom_file_field_save(self):
Regression for #11149: save_form_data should be called only once
class CFFForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = CustomFF
fields = '__all__'
# It's enough that the form saves without error -- the custom save routine will
# generate an AssertionError if it is called more than once during save.
form = CFFForm(data={'f': None})
2014-07-26 09:23:01 +08:00
def test_file_field_multiple_save(self):
Simulate a file upload and check how many times Model.save() gets
called. Test for bug #639.
class PhotoForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Photo
fields = '__all__'
# Grab an image for testing.
filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test.png')
2014-07-26 09:23:01 +08:00
with open(filename, "rb") as fp:
img = fp.read()
# Fake a POST QueryDict and FILES MultiValueDict.
data = {'title': 'Testing'}
files = {"image": SimpleUploadedFile('test.png', img, 'image/png')}
form = PhotoForm(data=data, files=files)
p = form.save()
# Check the savecount stored on the object (see the model).
self.assertEqual(p._savecount, 1)
# Delete the "uploaded" file to avoid clogging /tmp.
p = Photo.objects.get()
def test_file_path_field_blank(self):
"""FilePathField(blank=True) includes the empty option."""
class FPForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = FilePathModel
fields = '__all__'
form = FPForm()
self.assertEqual([name for _, name in form['path'].field.choices], ['---------', 'models.py'])
@skipUnless(test_images, "Pillow not installed")
def test_image_field(self):
# ImageField and FileField are nearly identical, but they differ slightly when
# it comes to validation. This specifically tests that #6302 is fixed for
# both file fields and image fields.
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test.png'), 'rb') as fp:
image_data = fp.read()
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test2.png'), 'rb') as fp:
image_data2 = fp.read()
f = ImageFileForm(
data={'description': 'An image'},
files={'image': SimpleUploadedFile('test.png', image_data)},
self.assertEqual(type(f.cleaned_data['image']), SimpleUploadedFile)
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.image.name, 'tests/test.png')
self.assertEqual(instance.width, 16)
self.assertEqual(instance.height, 16)
# Delete the current file since this is not done by Django, but don't save
# because the dimension fields are not null=True.
f = ImageFileForm(
data={'description': 'An image'},
files={'image': SimpleUploadedFile('test.png', image_data)},
self.assertEqual(type(f.cleaned_data['image']), SimpleUploadedFile)
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.image.name, 'tests/test.png')
self.assertEqual(instance.width, 16)
self.assertEqual(instance.height, 16)
# Edit an instance that already has the (required) image defined in the model. This will not
# save the image again, but leave it exactly as it is.
f = ImageFileForm(data={'description': 'Look, it changed'}, instance=instance)
self.assertEqual(f.cleaned_data['image'].name, 'tests/test.png')
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.image.name, 'tests/test.png')
self.assertEqual(instance.height, 16)
self.assertEqual(instance.width, 16)
# Delete the current file since this is not done by Django, but don't save
# because the dimension fields are not null=True.
# Override the file by uploading a new one.
f = ImageFileForm(
data={'description': 'Changed it'},
files={'image': SimpleUploadedFile('test2.png', image_data2)},
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.image.name, 'tests/test2.png')
self.assertEqual(instance.height, 32)
self.assertEqual(instance.width, 48)
# Delete the current file since this is not done by Django, but don't save
# because the dimension fields are not null=True.
f = ImageFileForm(
data={'description': 'Changed it'},
files={'image': SimpleUploadedFile('test2.png', image_data2)},
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.image.name, 'tests/test2.png')
self.assertEqual(instance.height, 32)
self.assertEqual(instance.width, 48)
# Delete the current file since this is not done by Django, but don't save
# because the dimension fields are not null=True.
# Test the non-required ImageField
# Note: In Oracle, we expect a null ImageField to return '' instead of
# None.
if connection.features.interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls:
expected_null_imagefield_repr = ''
expected_null_imagefield_repr = None
f = OptionalImageFileForm(data={'description': 'Test'})
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.image.name, expected_null_imagefield_repr)
f = OptionalImageFileForm(
data={'description': 'And a final one'},
files={'image': SimpleUploadedFile('test3.png', image_data)},
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.image.name, 'tests/test3.png')
self.assertEqual(instance.width, 16)
self.assertEqual(instance.height, 16)
# Editing the instance without re-uploading the image should not affect
# the image or its width/height properties.
f = OptionalImageFileForm({'description': 'New Description'}, instance=instance)
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.description, 'New Description')
self.assertEqual(instance.image.name, 'tests/test3.png')
self.assertEqual(instance.width, 16)
self.assertEqual(instance.height, 16)
# Delete the current file since this is not done by Django.
f = OptionalImageFileForm(
data={'description': 'And a final one'},
files={'image': SimpleUploadedFile('test4.png', image_data2)}
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.image.name, 'tests/test4.png')
self.assertEqual(instance.width, 48)
self.assertEqual(instance.height, 32)
# Test callable upload_to behavior that's dependent on the value of another field in the model
f = ImageFileForm(
data={'description': 'And a final one', 'path': 'foo'},
files={'image': SimpleUploadedFile('test4.png', image_data)},
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.image.name, 'foo/test4.png')
# Editing an instance that has an image without an extension shouldn't
# fail validation. First create:
f = NoExtensionImageFileForm(
data={'description': 'An image'},
files={'image': SimpleUploadedFile('test.png', image_data)},
instance = f.save()
self.assertEqual(instance.image.name, 'tests/no_extension')
# Then edit:
f = NoExtensionImageFileForm(data={'description': 'Edited image'}, instance=instance)
class ModelOtherFieldTests(SimpleTestCase):
def test_big_integer_field(self):
bif = BigIntForm({'biggie': '-9223372036854775808'})
bif = BigIntForm({'biggie': '-9223372036854775809'})
{'biggie': ['Ensure this value is greater than or equal to -9223372036854775808.']}
bif = BigIntForm({'biggie': '9223372036854775807'})
bif = BigIntForm({'biggie': '9223372036854775808'})
self.assertEqual(bif.errors, {'biggie': ['Ensure this value is less than or equal to 9223372036854775807.']})
def test_url_on_modelform(self):
"Check basic URL field validation on model forms"
class HomepageForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Homepage
fields = '__all__'
self.assertFalse(HomepageForm({'url': 'foo'}).is_valid())
self.assertFalse(HomepageForm({'url': 'http://'}).is_valid())
self.assertFalse(HomepageForm({'url': 'http://example'}).is_valid())
self.assertFalse(HomepageForm({'url': 'http://example.'}).is_valid())
self.assertFalse(HomepageForm({'url': 'http://com.'}).is_valid())
self.assertTrue(HomepageForm({'url': 'http://localhost'}).is_valid())
self.assertTrue(HomepageForm({'url': 'http://example.com'}).is_valid())
self.assertTrue(HomepageForm({'url': 'http://www.example.com'}).is_valid())
self.assertTrue(HomepageForm({'url': 'http://www.example.com:8000'}).is_valid())
self.assertTrue(HomepageForm({'url': 'http://www.example.com/test'}).is_valid())
self.assertTrue(HomepageForm({'url': 'http://www.example.com:8000/test'}).is_valid())
self.assertTrue(HomepageForm({'url': 'http://example.com/foo/bar'}).is_valid())
def test_modelform_non_editable_field(self):
2016-05-02 15:43:03 +00:00
When explicitly including a non-editable field in a ModelForm, the
error message should be explicit.
# 'created', non-editable, is excluded by default
self.assertNotIn('created', ArticleForm().fields)
msg = "'created' cannot be specified for Article model form as it is a non-editable field"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, msg):
class InvalidArticleForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Article
fields = ('headline', 'created')
def test_http_prefixing(self):
If the http:// prefix is omitted on form input, the field adds it again. (Refs #13613)
class HomepageForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Homepage
fields = '__all__'
form = HomepageForm({'url': 'example.com'})
2014-03-26 19:51:17 +01:00
self.assertEqual(form.cleaned_data['url'], 'http://example.com')
form = HomepageForm({'url': 'example.com/test'})
self.assertEqual(form.cleaned_data['url'], 'http://example.com/test')
class OtherModelFormTests(TestCase):
def test_media_on_modelform(self):
# Similar to a regular Form class you can define custom media to be used on
# the ModelForm.
f = ModelFormWithMedia()
'''<link href="/some/form/css" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="/some/form/javascript"></script>'''
def test_choices_type(self):
# Choices on CharField and IntegerField
f = ArticleForm()
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
f = ArticleStatusForm()
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
def test_prefetch_related_queryset(self):
ModelChoiceField should respect a prefetch_related() on its queryset.
blue = Colour.objects.create(name='blue')
red = Colour.objects.create(name='red')
multicolor_item = ColourfulItem.objects.create()
multicolor_item.colours.add(blue, red)
red_item = ColourfulItem.objects.create()
class ColorModelChoiceField(forms.ModelChoiceField):
def label_from_instance(self, obj):
return ', '.join(c.name for c in obj.colours.all())
field = ColorModelChoiceField(ColourfulItem.objects.prefetch_related('colours'))
with self.assertNumQueries(3): # would be 4 if prefetch is ignored
self.assertEqual(tuple(field.choices), (
('', '---------'),
(multicolor_item.pk, 'blue, red'),
(red_item.pk, 'red'),
def test_foreignkeys_which_use_to_field(self):
apple = Inventory.objects.create(barcode=86, name='Apple')
Inventory.objects.create(barcode=22, name='Pear')
core = Inventory.objects.create(barcode=87, name='Core', parent=apple)
field = forms.ModelChoiceField(Inventory.objects.all(), to_field_name='barcode')
self.assertEqual(tuple(field.choices), (
('', '---------'),
(86, 'Apple'),
(87, 'Core'),
(22, 'Pear')))
form = InventoryForm(instance=core)
self.assertHTMLEqual(str(form['parent']), '''<select name="parent" id="id_parent">
<option value="">---------</option>
<option value="86" selected>Apple</option>
<option value="87">Core</option>
<option value="22">Pear</option>
data = model_to_dict(core)
data['parent'] = '22'
form = InventoryForm(data=data, instance=core)
core = form.save()
self.assertEqual(core.parent.name, 'Pear')
class CategoryForm(forms.ModelForm):
description = forms.CharField()
class Meta:
model = Category
fields = ['description', 'url']
self.assertEqual(list(CategoryForm.base_fields), ['description', 'url'])
'''<tr><th><label for="id_description">Description:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="description" id="id_description" required></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_url">The URL:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_url" type="text" name="url" maxlength="40" required></td></tr>'''
# to_field_name should also work on ModelMultipleChoiceField ##################
field = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(Inventory.objects.all(), to_field_name='barcode')
self.assertEqual(tuple(field.choices), ((86, 'Apple'), (87, 'Core'), (22, 'Pear')))
self.assertQuerysetEqual(field.clean([86]), ['Apple'])
form = SelectInventoryForm({'items': [87, 22]})
self.assertEqual(len(form.cleaned_data), 1)
self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.cleaned_data['items'], ['Core', 'Pear'])
def test_model_field_that_returns_none_to_exclude_itself_with_explicit_fields(self):
self.assertEqual(list(CustomFieldForExclusionForm.base_fields), ['name'])
'''<tr><th><label for="id_name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_name" type="text" name="name" maxlength="10" required></td></tr>'''
2013-10-26 18:27:42 -07:00
def test_iterable_model_m2m(self):
class ColourfulItemForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = ColourfulItem
fields = '__all__'
colour = Colour.objects.create(name='Blue')
form = ColourfulItemForm()
self.maxDiff = 1024
2012-12-29 16:25:24 +02:00
"""<p><label for="id_name">Name:</label> <input id="id_name" type="text" name="name" maxlength="50" required></p>
<p><label for="id_colours">Colours:</label>
<select multiple name="colours" id="id_colours" required>
2012-12-29 16:25:24 +02:00
<option value="%(blue_pk)s">Blue</option>
2012-12-29 16:25:24 +02:00
% {'blue_pk': colour.pk})
def test_callable_field_default(self):
class PublicationDefaultsForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = PublicationDefaults
fields = ('title', 'date_published', 'mode', 'category')
self.maxDiff = 2000
form = PublicationDefaultsForm()
today_str = str(datetime.date.today())
<p><label for="id_title">Title:</label>
<input id="id_title" maxlength="30" name="title" type="text" required></p>
<p><label for="id_date_published">Date published:</label>
<input id="id_date_published" name="date_published" type="text" value="{0}" required>
<input id="initial-id_date_published" name="initial-date_published" type="hidden" value="{0}"></p>
<p><label for="id_mode">Mode:</label> <select id="id_mode" name="mode">
<option value="di" selected>direct</option>
<option value="de">delayed</option></select>
<input id="initial-id_mode" name="initial-mode" type="hidden" value="di"></p>
<p><label for="id_category">Category:</label> <select id="id_category" name="category">
<option value="1">Games</option>
<option value="2">Comics</option>
<option value="3" selected>Novel</option></select>
<input id="initial-id_category" name="initial-category" type="hidden" value="3">
empty_data = {
'title': '',
'date_published': today_str,
'initial-date_published': today_str,
'mode': 'di',
'initial-mode': 'di',
'category': '3',
'initial-category': '3',
bound_form = PublicationDefaultsForm(empty_data)
class ModelFormCustomErrorTests(SimpleTestCase):
2013-10-26 18:27:42 -07:00
def test_custom_error_messages(self):
data = {'name1': '@#$!!**@#$', 'name2': '@#$!!**@#$'}
errors = CustomErrorMessageForm(data).errors
'<ul class="errorlist"><li>Form custom error message.</li></ul>'
'<ul class="errorlist"><li>Model custom error message.</li></ul>'
2013-10-26 18:27:42 -07:00
def test_model_clean_error_messages(self):
data = {'name1': 'FORBIDDEN_VALUE', 'name2': 'ABC'}
form = CustomErrorMessageForm(data)
'<ul class="errorlist"><li>Model.clean() error messages.</li></ul>'
data = {'name1': 'FORBIDDEN_VALUE2', 'name2': 'ABC'}
form = CustomErrorMessageForm(data)
'<ul class="errorlist"><li>Model.clean() error messages (simpler syntax).</li></ul>'
data = {'name1': 'GLOBAL_ERROR', 'name2': 'ABC'}
form = CustomErrorMessageForm(data)
self.assertEqual(form.errors['__all__'], ['Global error message.'])
class CustomCleanTests(TestCase):
def test_override_clean(self):
Regression for #12596: Calling super from ModelForm.clean() should be
class TripleFormWithCleanOverride(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Triple
fields = '__all__'
def clean(self):
if not self.cleaned_data['left'] == self.cleaned_data['right']:
raise ValidationError('Left and right should be equal')
return self.cleaned_data
form = TripleFormWithCleanOverride({'left': 1, 'middle': 2, 'right': 1})
# form.instance.left will be None if the instance was not constructed
# by form.full_clean().
self.assertEqual(form.instance.left, 1)
def test_model_form_clean_applies_to_model(self):
Regression test for #12960. Make sure the cleaned_data returned from
ModelForm.clean() is applied to the model instance.
class CategoryForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Category
fields = '__all__'
def clean(self):
self.cleaned_data['name'] = self.cleaned_data['name'].upper()
return self.cleaned_data
data = {'name': 'Test', 'slug': 'test', 'url': '/test'}
form = CategoryForm(data)
category = form.save()
self.assertEqual(category.name, 'TEST')
class ModelFormInheritanceTests(SimpleTestCase):
def test_form_subclass_inheritance(self):
class Form(forms.Form):
age = forms.IntegerField()
class ModelForm(forms.ModelForm, Form):
class Meta:
model = Writer
fields = '__all__'
self.assertEqual(list(ModelForm().fields), ['name', 'age'])
def test_field_removal(self):
class ModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Writer
fields = '__all__'
class Mixin:
age = None
class Form(forms.Form):
age = forms.IntegerField()
class Form2(forms.Form):
foo = forms.IntegerField()
self.assertEqual(list(ModelForm().fields), ['name'])
self.assertEqual(list(type('NewForm', (Mixin, Form), {})().fields), [])
self.assertEqual(list(type('NewForm', (Form2, Mixin, Form), {})().fields), ['foo'])
self.assertEqual(list(type('NewForm', (Mixin, ModelForm, Form), {})().fields), ['name'])
self.assertEqual(list(type('NewForm', (ModelForm, Mixin, Form), {})().fields), ['name'])
self.assertEqual(list(type('NewForm', (ModelForm, Form, Mixin), {})().fields), ['name', 'age'])
self.assertEqual(list(type('NewForm', (ModelForm, Form), {'age': None})().fields), ['name'])
def test_field_removal_name_clashes(self):
Form fields can be removed in subclasses by setting them to None
class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
media = forms.CharField()
class Meta:
model = Writer
fields = '__all__'
class SubForm(MyForm):
media = None
self.assertIn('media', MyForm().fields)
self.assertNotIn('media', SubForm().fields)
self.assertTrue(hasattr(MyForm, 'media'))
self.assertTrue(hasattr(SubForm, 'media'))
class StumpJokeForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = StumpJoke
fields = '__all__'
class CustomFieldWithQuerysetButNoLimitChoicesTo(forms.Field):
queryset = 42
class StumpJokeWithCustomFieldForm(forms.ModelForm):
custom = CustomFieldWithQuerysetButNoLimitChoicesTo()
2014-11-13 10:07:44 +01:00
class Meta:
model = StumpJoke
fields = ()
class LimitChoicesToTests(TestCase):
Tests the functionality of ``limit_choices_to``.
def setUpTestData(cls):
cls.threepwood = Character.objects.create(
last_action=datetime.datetime.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=1),
cls.marley = Character.objects.create(
last_action=datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=1),
def test_limit_choices_to_callable_for_fk_rel(self):
A ForeignKey can use limit_choices_to as a callable (#2554).
stumpjokeform = StumpJokeForm()
self.assertSequenceEqual(stumpjokeform.fields['most_recently_fooled'].queryset, [self.threepwood])
def test_limit_choices_to_callable_for_m2m_rel(self):
A ManyToManyField can use limit_choices_to as a callable (#2554).
stumpjokeform = StumpJokeForm()
self.assertSequenceEqual(stumpjokeform.fields['most_recently_fooled'].queryset, [self.threepwood])
def test_custom_field_with_queryset_but_no_limit_choices_to(self):
A custom field with a `queryset` attribute but no `limit_choices_to`
works (#23795).
f = StumpJokeWithCustomFieldForm()
self.assertEqual(f.fields['custom'].queryset, 42)
def test_fields_for_model_applies_limit_choices_to(self):
fields = fields_for_model(StumpJoke, ['has_fooled_today'])
self.assertSequenceEqual(fields['has_fooled_today'].queryset, [self.threepwood])
def test_callable_called_each_time_form_is_instantiated(self):
field = StumpJokeForm.base_fields['most_recently_fooled']
with mock.patch.object(field, 'limit_choices_to') as today_callable_dict:
self.assertEqual(today_callable_dict.call_count, 1)
self.assertEqual(today_callable_dict.call_count, 2)
self.assertEqual(today_callable_dict.call_count, 3)
class FormFieldCallbackTests(SimpleTestCase):
def test_baseform_with_widgets_in_meta(self):
"""Regression for #13095: Using base forms with widgets defined in Meta should not raise errors."""
widget = forms.Textarea()
class BaseForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Person
widgets = {'name': widget}
fields = "__all__"
Form = modelform_factory(Person, form=BaseForm)
self.assertIsInstance(Form.base_fields['name'].widget, forms.Textarea)
def test_factory_with_widget_argument(self):
""" Regression for #15315: modelform_factory should accept widgets
widget = forms.Textarea()
# Without a widget should not set the widget to textarea
Form = modelform_factory(Person, fields="__all__")
self.assertNotEqual(Form.base_fields['name'].widget.__class__, forms.Textarea)
# With a widget should not set the widget to textarea
Form = modelform_factory(Person, fields="__all__", widgets={'name': widget})
self.assertEqual(Form.base_fields['name'].widget.__class__, forms.Textarea)
def test_modelform_factory_without_fields(self):
""" Regression for #19733 """
message = (
"Calling modelform_factory without defining 'fields' or 'exclude' "
"explicitly is prohibited."
with self.assertRaisesMessage(ImproperlyConfigured, message):
def test_modelform_factory_with_all_fields(self):
""" Regression for #19733 """
form = modelform_factory(Person, fields="__all__")
self.assertEqual(list(form.base_fields), ["name"])
def test_custom_callback(self):
"""A custom formfield_callback is used if provided"""
callback_args = []
def callback(db_field, **kwargs):
callback_args.append((db_field, kwargs))
return db_field.formfield(**kwargs)
widget = forms.Textarea()
class BaseForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Person
widgets = {'name': widget}
fields = "__all__"
modelform_factory(Person, form=BaseForm, formfield_callback=callback)
id_field, name_field = Person._meta.fields
self.assertEqual(callback_args, [(id_field, {}), (name_field, {'widget': widget})])
def test_bad_callback(self):
# A bad callback provided by user still gives an error
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
modelform_factory(Person, fields="__all__", formfield_callback='not a function or callable')
def test_inherit_after_custom_callback(self):
def callback(db_field, **kwargs):
if isinstance(db_field, models.CharField):
return forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea)
return db_field.formfield(**kwargs)
class BaseForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Person
fields = '__all__'
NewForm = modelform_factory(Person, form=BaseForm, formfield_callback=callback)
class InheritedForm(NewForm):
for name in NewForm.base_fields:
class LocalizedModelFormTest(TestCase):
def test_model_form_applies_localize_to_some_fields(self):
class PartiallyLocalizedTripleForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Triple
localized_fields = ('left', 'right',)
fields = '__all__'
f = PartiallyLocalizedTripleForm({'left': 10, 'middle': 10, 'right': 10})
def test_model_form_applies_localize_to_all_fields(self):
class FullyLocalizedTripleForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Triple
localized_fields = '__all__'
fields = '__all__'
f = FullyLocalizedTripleForm({'left': 10, 'middle': 10, 'right': 10})
def test_model_form_refuses_arbitrary_string(self):
msg = (
"BrokenLocalizedTripleForm.Meta.localized_fields "
"cannot be a string. Did you mean to type: ('foo',)?"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TypeError, msg):
class BrokenLocalizedTripleForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Triple
localized_fields = "foo"
class CustomMetaclass(ModelFormMetaclass):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
new = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
new.base_fields = {}
return new
class CustomMetaclassForm(forms.ModelForm, metaclass=CustomMetaclass):
class CustomMetaclassTestCase(SimpleTestCase):
def test_modelform_factory_metaclass(self):
new_cls = modelform_factory(Person, fields="__all__", form=CustomMetaclassForm)
self.assertEqual(new_cls.base_fields, {})
class StrictAssignmentTests(SimpleTestCase):
Should a model do anything special with __setattr__() or descriptors which
raise a ValidationError, a model form should catch the error (#24706).
def test_setattr_raises_validation_error_field_specific(self):
A model ValidationError using the dict form should put the error
message into the correct key of form.errors.
form_class = modelform_factory(model=StrictAssignmentFieldSpecific, fields=['title'])
form = form_class(data={'title': 'testing setattr'}, files=None)
# This line turns on the ValidationError; it avoids the model erroring
# when its own __init__() is called when creating form.instance.
form.instance._should_error = True
self.assertEqual(form.errors, {
'title': ['Cannot set attribute', 'This field cannot be blank.']
def test_setattr_raises_validation_error_non_field(self):
A model ValidationError not using the dict form should put the error
message into __all__ (i.e. non-field errors) on the form.
form_class = modelform_factory(model=StrictAssignmentAll, fields=['title'])
form = form_class(data={'title': 'testing setattr'}, files=None)
# This line turns on the ValidationError; it avoids the model erroring
# when its own __init__() is called when creating form.instance.
form.instance._should_error = True
self.assertEqual(form.errors, {
'__all__': ['Cannot set attribute'],
'title': ['This field cannot be blank.']
class ModelToDictTests(TestCase):
def test_many_to_many(self):
"""Data for a ManyToManyField is a list rather than a lazy QuerySet."""
blue = Colour.objects.create(name='blue')
red = Colour.objects.create(name='red')
item = ColourfulItem.objects.create()
data = model_to_dict(item)['colours']
self.assertEqual(data, [blue])
# If data were a QuerySet, it would be reevaluated here and give "red"
# instead of the original value.
self.assertEqual(data, [blue])