Prior versions of Django included an outdated, undocumented comment system. Users who reverse-engineered this framework will need to upgrade to use the
new comment system; this guide explains how.
The main changes from the old system are:
* This new system is documented.
* It uses modern Django features like :ref:`forms <topics-forms-index>` and
:ref:`modelforms <topics-forms-modelforms>`.
* It has a single ``Comment`` model instead of separate ``FreeComment`` and
``Comment`` models.
* Comments have "email" and "URL" fields.
* No ratings, photos and karma. This should only effect World Online.
* The ``{% comment_form %}`` tag no longer exists. Instead, there's now two
functions: ``{% get_comment_form %}``, which returns a form for posting a
new comment, and ``{% render_comment_form %}``, which renders said form
using the ``comments/form.html`` template.
Upgrading data
The data models have changed, as have the table names. To transfer your data into the new system, you'll need to directly run the following SQL: